DLD Kit is the first product from GIST, developed specifically for educational institutions. This kit is designed to provide hands-on learning experience, enabling students to excel the fundamentals of digital electronics through practical experimentation.
Four Modules: Each module delves into a specific aspect of digital logic design, providing a comprehensive learning journey from basic gates to advanced circuits. Number of experiments up to 31.
Comprehensive Learning of course contents: Covers essential topics in digital electronics, from basic gates to complex combinational and sequential circuits.
User-Friendly: Easy-to-use with clear instructions, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced students.
Customizable Modules: Adaptable to different curriculum requirements, allowing educators to tailor the kit to their specific teaching needs.
Open-ended experiments: Modules contain open-ended labs that encourage students to explore and experimentation.
Durable and Reliable: Built with high-quality components to withstand regular use in lab environments.
Ready for Commercialization: Fully developed and ready to be implemented in classrooms, with more innovative products on the way.
Names of the Circuits:
- And Gate
- Or Gate
- Not Gate
- Nand
- Nor
- Ex-Or
- Ex-Nor
- Half Adder
- Full Adder
- Half Subtractor
- Full Subtractor
- Magnitude Comparator
- Sr Latch
- Sr Flip Flop
- JK Flip Flop
- 2×1 Multiplexer
- 1×2 De-multiplexer
- 4×1 Multiplexer
- 1×4 De-multiplexer
- Counters
- BCD to Seven Segment
- Clock Generators
- 4×2 Encoder
- 2×4 Decoder
- 8×3 Encoder
- 3×8 Decoder
- 4 Bit Universal Shift Register
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