Mr. Jackson


DLD Kit is the first product from GIST, developed specifically for educational institutions. This kit is designed to provide hands-on learning experience, enabling students to excel the fundamentals of digital electronics through practical experimentation.


DLD Kit is the first product from GIST, developed specifically for educational institutions. This kit is designed to provide hands-on learning experience, enabling students to excel the fundamentals of digital electronics through practical experimentation.

Four Modules: Each module delves into a specific aspect of digital logic design, providing a comprehensive learning journey from basic gates to advanced circuits. Number of experiments up to 31.

Comprehensive Learning of course contents: Covers essential topics in digital electronics, from basic gates to complex combinational and sequential circuits.

User-Friendly: Easy-to-use with clear instructions, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced students.

Customizable Modules: Adaptable to different curriculum requirements, allowing educators to tailor the kit to their specific teaching needs.

Open-ended experiments: Modules contain open-ended labs that encourage students to explore and experimentation.
Durable and Reliable: Built with high-quality components to withstand regular use in lab environments.

Ready for Commercialization: Fully developed and ready to be implemented in classrooms, with more innovative products on the way.

Names of the Circuits:

  1. And Gate
  2. Or Gate
  3. Not Gate
  4. Nand
  5. Nor
  6. Ex-Or
  7. Ex-Nor
  8. Half Adder
  9. Full Adder
  10. Half Subtractor
  11. Full Subtractor
  12. Magnitude Comparator
  13. Sr Latch
  14. Sr Flip Flop
  15. JK Flip Flop
  16. 2×1 Multiplexer
  17. 1×2 De-multiplexer
  18. 4×1 Multiplexer
  19. 1×4 De-multiplexer
  20. Counters
  21. BCD to Seven Segment
  22. Clock Generators
  23. 4×2 Encoder
  24. 2×4 Decoder
  25. 8×3 Encoder
  26. 3×8 Decoder
  27. 4 Bit Universal Shift Register


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